Deployed at a multi-Megawatt scale, Ice Energy’s intelligent storage solution represents the first viable, cost-effective alternative to conventional peaking power plants for meeting peak energy demand.
By addressing the thermally driven peak load of daytime air conditioning, our revolutionary utility-scale distributed storage solution enables utilities to fundamentally reshape the load curve, leveling demand by transparently shifting significant amounts of energy usage from peak to off-peak periods.
For example, a 100 Megawatt (MW) distributed energy storage project deployed by a utility can significantly and permanently reduce peak electrical demand by shifting as much as 125 Gigawatt hours of on-peak electrical consumption to off-peak periods every year, reducing the utility’s exposure to costly, thermally-driven peak power and improving the reliability of the electrical grid.
And because the storage is located at the point of consumption, no new infrastructure is required to deploy MW’s of capability. Base-load generation resources are utilized more effectively, infrastructure congestion is mitigated, losses on peak eliminated, and power quality improved. It also enables utilities to make more efficient use of and extend the life of existing assets, and delay or avoid investment in new peak generation facilities and the T&D infrastructure to support them.
Compared to the levelized cost of a gas peaking power plant, our solution represents a truly cost-effective source of alternative peak energy.
The ability to aggregate and control the distributed units as a single utility resource enables the integrated resource planning group of a utility to evaluate the solution in much the same way as they evaluate new peaking generation, and provides significantly more incremental value across the entire value chain, from source generation to site consumption.  Interoperable, scalable and dispatchable, it gives grid operators the unprecedented ability to intelligently shape peak demand by managing the load profile of a single building, a feeder, a substation, or an entire region. 
By improving efficiency across the entire energy delivery chain, this represents the first utility- scale, distributed energy storage solution to fundamentally reshape the load curve, increase energy system efficiency and improve grid reliability.