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Industry Perspectives

How to Make Energy Storage Pay for Itself - Today

March 2, 2011

Energy storage is still too expensive for most single-purpose grid applications. But if you "stack the benefits" you can often cost-justify storage, even at today's prices.

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Variable Energy Resources Can, Should be Stored

March 1, 2011

Energy storage will be critical as the nation increasingly comes to rely upon variable energy resources to meet its growing demand for electricity.

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Deploying Advanced Energy Storage Makes Sense

February 28, 2011

As the industry continues to move toward a smarter, more efficient power infrastructure, advanced energy storage has shown potential to facilitate a cleaner means of producing and delivering electricity by addressing existing and long-term challenges.

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SMART PLANET: Building the Smart grid: Renewables, Storage & Partnerships

February 24, 2011

As Q1 2011 comes to a close, industry leaders weigh in on the state of the smart grid

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ACHR News: Can HVAC Win on Capitol Hill?

January 24, 2011

What Congress does this year will have an impact on HVAC businesses, so the industry will keep close tabs on the legislators.

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GREENTECH MEDIA: FERC Commissioner Philip Moeller on Energy Storage

January 18, 2011

“Energy storage is a matter of when, not if,” according to FERC Commissioner Philip Moeller.

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RENEWABLE ENERGY WORLD: Energy Storage Crucial Step for Renewable Electricity

November 23, 2010

U.S. policymakers must focus more closely on developing new energy storage technologies as they consider a national renewable electricity standard.

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RENEWABLE ENERGY WORLD: Energy Storage, the Grid and PV

November 17, 2010

Energy storage will soon become an essential element of the smart grid, especially as more power generation from inherently intermittent sources such as solar and wind come online.

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RENEWABLES BIZ: The Keys to Energy Storage

November 9, 2010

If energy storage holds the key to the fates of wind and solar energy, then Beacon Power Corp. thinks it has the answer.

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NEW YORK TIMES: In Presidio, a Grasp at the Holy Grail of Energy Storage

November 6, 2010

This $25 million contraption is the largest battery system in the United States — locals have dubbed it Bob, for Big Ole Battery. It began operating earlier this year, and is the latest mark of the state’s interest in a nascent but rapidly evolving industry: the storage of electricity.

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