Ice Energy Eclipses Operational Milestone of 20 Million Fleet Hours

Ice Energy, a leading provider of distributed thermal energy storage and smart grid solutions, has surpassed the 20 million hour mark for its fleet of Ice Bear units operating in the field. With Ice Bears in more than 40 different utility service territories, the Ice Bear thermal energy storage unit has evolved into one of the most reliable, efficient and cost-effective storage solutions available in today’s market.

The Ice Bear is currently the only solution that offers both energy storage and demand response in one product. The Ice Bears provide an affordable capacity alternative to costly infrastructure upgrades with quick installation and minimal maintenance.

“We are proud of the Ice Bear’s continued operational success,” said Mike Hopkins, EVP, Corporate Development and Legal, Ice Energy. “Over the 20 million hours of operation, our fleet of Ice Bear units has recorded an extraordinary 98.4% availability”.

Nearly half of all Ice Energy deployment costs are reinvested in the community through the use of local contractors for installation and maintenance. Most recently, Ice Energy has completed deployments for United Illuminating Company (UI) in New Haven, Conn. and for Moreno Valley Electric Utility in conjunction with Weingarten Realty in Moreno Valley, Calif.