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Industry News

RENEWABLE ENERGY WORLD: Energy Storage Crucial Step for Renewable Electricity

November 23, 2010

U.S. policymakers must focus more closely on developing new energy storage technologies as they consider a national renewable electricity standard.

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RENEWABLE ENERGY WORLD: Energy Storage, the Grid and PV

November 17, 2010

Energy storage will soon become an essential element of the smart grid, especially as more power generation from inherently intermittent sources such as solar and wind come online.

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RENEWABLES BIZ: The Keys to Energy Storage

November 9, 2010

If energy storage holds the key to the fates of wind and solar energy, then Beacon Power Corp. thinks it has the answer.

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NEW YORK TIMES: In Presidio, a Grasp at the Holy Grail of Energy Storage

November 6, 2010

This $25 million contraption is the largest battery system in the United States — locals have dubbed it Bob, for Big Ole Battery. It began operating earlier this year, and is the latest mark of the state’s interest in a nascent but rapidly evolving industry: the storage of electricity.

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SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE: Energy storage key to future of power grid

October 28, 2010

What if you could store that power and do for the grid what millions do for their cell phones — charge at night when there’s excess power and use the power in the day?

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ENERGYBIZ: Ontario's Crusade to Cut Coal

October 26, 2010

The Canadian province is now updating its long-term energy plan that will attempt to phase out all of its coal-fired power plants and to replace them with carbon-friendly fuels.

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CLEAN ENERGY NEWS: Making Our Way To Energy Storage - Jimmy Buffett, The Holy Grail and The Manhattan Project

October 20, 2010

But what is energy storage? Storage includes batteries large and small, compressed air, pumped water systems, fly wheels and a host of other ideas, both new and old.

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GIGAOM: Battle Over Cali’s Energy Storage Mandate Have Only Begun

October 1, 2010

There’s been a lot of high-fiving among energy storage technology developers about a bill signed into law by California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger this week. However, the bill doesn’t mandate energy storage, which means it’s far from determined which technologies and players will be the big winners.

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BLOOMBERG NEWS: California Law Calls for Energy-Storage Mandates for Utilities

October 1, 2010

California has enacted a law that may mandate power providers to set up energy-storage facilities, potentially benefiting battery-makers such as A123 Systems Inc. and BYD Co.

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NEW YORK TIMES: In California, a Grid Storage Mandate

October 1, 2010

The state will now require utilities (first, investor-owned utilities, and later, publicly owned ones) to have storage capacity on hand that can quickly be put into use when the wind dies down.

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