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Health Benefits of Ionized Water

W ater ionizers have been around for more than 40 years, in this time contributing to the health improvement of many people who were fighting with various diseases like skin disorders, allergies, arthritis, gout, chronic pain, weight problems, even fatigue. Drinking alkaline ionized water regularly improves health stats, as numerous studies have already proven, and in the following, we will take an in-depth look at the health benefits this diet brings and why you should make the switch and invest in a water ionizer to lead a longer, healthier, better-quality life.

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Body pH Levels Restoration

A common phenomenon among modern folk is that we feel tired, almost lethargic, and we are quite prone to colds and infections. The reason for this is that our bodies are too acidic, and to make ourselves less vulnerable and recover the energy we need and stop feeling tired all the time, we need to reduce acidity levels in the body.

For the human body to operate in optimal conditions, a pH level of 7.35 to 7.45 must be maintained, which is quite difficult considering our habits, including drinking- and eating-related practices. However, if you were to maintain this optimal pH level, you would be less vulnerable to diseases and you won’t feel tired all the time anymore as your body would be able to fight diseases and illnesses on its own.

How you can achieve this pH level is quite simple – drink alkaline ionized water on a daily basis as it neutralizes acid and restores the body’s optimal pH balance. Thus, your body will deliver nutrients to cells much easier, and it would dispose of waste products through the natural elimination channels faster and more effectively as well.

Check out the best pH test strips to check the pH level of the water you hydrate with and make sure it is either neutral or alkaline so that you avoid having acidic body pH levels.

Powerful Antioxidant

It is an antioxidant-rich source, hands down, and it is easily absorbed into the body as water clusters are significantly smaller in size as opposed to that of regular tap or bottled water, which means that your body assimilates more of it when consumed. Thus, it obliterates free radicals and it eliminates the need to metabolize the water as well.

Q: What are free radicals?
A: Unstable molecules that produce oxidation in the body, in turn leading to cellular and DNA damage that ultimately causes a series of diseases, even accelerating the dreaded process of aging.

Antioxidants, as found in alkaline water slow down the harmful process employed by free radicals by donating electrons to oxygen-free radicals, helping them become stable oxygen molecules. Thus, by switching to an alkaline diet, your health, as well as your looks will benefit.

Super-Hydrating Capabilities

The human body is an estimated 60% composed of water, the healing processes that occur happening through water. Thus, hydration is vital for a person’s well-being. But the amount of water you drink isn’t the sole aspect you must focus on as its quality is equally important.

As alkaline water molecules come in clusters of 5-6 molecules as opposed to regular water that comes in large clusters of 12-14 molecules, it’s easy to see why the cells in your body absorb it much more efficiently ensuring that you hydrate in a superior manner so that you better flush out toxins and solid waste that have accumulated in your body throughout the day.

Luckily, alkaline water even tastes better than regular water, bottled or tap, so chances are that you will drink more of it as you will actually enjoy the whole process of hydration more. It is even used for cooking purposes, so there are various manners in which you can insert it into your diet.

Health Benefits


If you started getting wrinkles and fine lines, considering switching to alkaline as its antioxidant effects make the skin look and feel younger, even aiding in the removal of fine lines with the passing of time. Aside from this perk, it can:

  • Remove Bacteria - Helps tone down acne breakouts as it removes excess bacteria from the skin.
  • Diminish Wrinkles - Removes fine lines and helps attenuate the appearance of deep wrinkles.
  • Detoxify - As it removes bacteria from your organs, chances are you won’t develop spots on your skin anymore.

Cardiovascular System

Cardiovascular diseases are among the leading causes of death all over the world. Yearly, numerous people are put at great risk because of damage that is done to the veins and arteries. The free radicals that are produced by the body’s normal oxygen metabolism damage the cardiovascular system, causing the aforementioned issues. As ionized water prevents the negative effect of free radicals by transforming them, your chances of developing heart diseases are diminished. In case you have pre-existing issues, it also helps as it attenuates symptoms and aids in recovery.

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In-between meals, the stomach prefers to be alkaline. If you drink water with a high pH level, absorption will occur much easier, improving digestion among other perks. This is granted by the fact that the good bacteria in your gut prefer alkaline water, helping optimize the digestion process, which in turn will improve your metabolism.

Fun fact: Dr. Shinya, the inventor of colonoscopy, has recommended alkaline ionized water for patients who suffer from colon cancer.


As you can see, even specialists back alkaline ionized water as hydration means with exceptional results toward health improvement. Whether you make your own alkaline water, use an alkaline water ionizer or even an alkaline water pitcher, what’s important is that you switch to hydrating with it as its properties and superior hydrating capabilities only lead to positive effects on your health. Safe for people of all ages to drink, even for pets, it is a switch you must make if you want to improve health stats in a natural, effective manner.

Markus Mackay
Markus Mackay
Our resident expert in all things AC-related, Markus is a never-ending source of knowledge regarding how these systems work. What makes him so savvy in this field is his direct experience that he acquired while working in sales. The connections he made during that period also came in handy here as Markus knows a lot of experts in this field. With each article uploaded, he makes sure to gather the expertise of his more experienced ex-peers as well, making sure to provide readers with reliable reviews and articles.

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