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Water Ionizer Frequently Asked Questions

A re you interested in buying a water ionizer or you already got one and you want to know more about how it works and the healthy alkaline water it produces? Then you have come to the right place as, in the following, we will answer some of the most frequent questions related to alkaline ionizers and ionized water to help you find the information you seek.

Is your mind made up on buying a water ionizer? Want to make sure the one you get is worth every cent? Then check out our pick of the best alkaline water ionizers at the moment and choose one of these top-rated models. Fit for all budgets and possibilities, these are the machines that reign supreme at the moment.

Question #1: How does a water ionizer work?

Answer: The machine filters regular tap water of contaminations and bacteria, after which it passes the purified water through the process of electrolysis to produce alkaline and acidic water.

Read this article regarding the electrolysis process to learn more about the functioning of water ionizers if you want an in-depth look at these machines and what stands behind the curtain.

Question #2: Is there any water waste in its operating process?

Answer: No, as opposed to reverse osmosis systems that generally waste three times the water they purify, the alkaline ionizer does not produce any water waste whatsoever. This is good for the environment as well as your wallet seeing how the utility bills won’t skyrocket after you install it.

Question #3: What is ORP?

Answer: It is the electrical charge required to reduce oxidation. For alkaline water to be beneficial for consumption, the ORP rating on the machine must be negative, and as low as possible.

The -1,050mV negative ORP value of the Tyent UCE-11 water ionizer makes it one of the most efficient machines when it comes to the antioxidant properties of the water it produces.

Question #4: Will it work if the water is hard?

Answer: Yes, but make sure that you look into a model that features a pre-filter that removes contamination specific to hard water, like iron and fluoride. Bear in mind that internal cleaning of the machine is required more often when dealing with hard water as well, as scale buildup occurs much faster.

Question #5: Does the alkaline ionizer work for well water?

Answer: Yes, but you should opt for a machine that features a pre-filter that tends to reducing water contamination with hydrogen sulfide, iron, and calcium, three of the most common issues with well water. If the machine does not feature the right pre-filter to tend to this issue, the purity and quality of the ionized water it produces will be compromised.

Question #6: What contaminants does it generally remove?

Answer: There is a wide range of contaminants polluting tap water and their effect on human health is negative, in some cases, like with lead water pollution, having disastrous health implications in the long-run. As water ionizers feature pre-filters and filter cartridges, they remove most contaminants, including chlorine, chloramines, bacteria, microorganisms, sediments, heavy metals, and more.

One of the most effective alkaline ionizers when it comes to water purification is the Next Generation M11 reviewed here. Aside from treating toxins and trapping sediments, it reduces chlorine and chloramine content in the water you drink.

Question #7: How do I test the water’s pH?

Answer: Want to test the old-fashion way? Then see here what are the best pH test strips that you can use. If you are the adept of more modern solutions, then check out the best alkaline water testers here, digital tools that provide you with the water’s pH almost instantly. These are the two options you have to learn the pH of the water you plan on using or consuming.

Question #8: What is the average lifespan of an alkaline ionizer?

Answer: This depends on multiple factors, including the quality of the build, what types of plates it uses, and more. With models like the Bawell Alkaline Platinum that are covered by lifetime warranties, you can expect the machine to run for as long as you need it to. Whereas, with lower-end machines like the IONtech IT-580, the lifespan likely won’t exceed 10 years. However, durability-wise, all models are impressive.

Question #9: Is a UV light purifier worth it?

Answer: Yes, we actually recommend that you look for the machine to come with this specific feature as its germicidal properties ensure that the water you drink will be sanitized beforehand, no bacteria, germs, viruses, or microorganisms of any type lurking in it.

Used in water filters, water ionizers, air purifiers, even in some humidifiers, the UV light technology is a topic explored in-depth here. To learn more about this subject, take a few minutes to read the article.

Question #10: What should I look for in a water ionizer?

Answer: For short, when you start the search, you should first decide whether you prefer a countertop or an under sink water ionizer. After you decide, look into elements like plates number and material, filtration media and water purification efficiency, pH and ORP range, and the presence of special features like the UV light technology and automatic self-cleaning capabilities.

If you seek a more detailed explanation regarding the features and options that matter, read this water ionizer buying guide and you will have all the info you need to make a quality acquisition.

Question #11: What types of plates can alkaline ionizers come with?

Answer: These machines can feature grid plates (perfect for hard water areas), mesh plates (most common and effective due to their larger surface area), flat plates (cheapest type of plates), or slotted plates (provide the electrical current with a direction for ionization process improvement).

Question #12: Can I still get regular pH water after installing it?

Answer: Yes, with all machines, you have the possibility to select the pH of the water it produces. You are generally provided with multiple alkaline, acidic, and neutral settings. To drink purified yet neutral pH water, just pick the setting that provides it.

Installation F.A.Q.

Question #1: Can it be installed under the counter?

Answer: Yes, but it depends on the model you have bought. Some machines are exclusively designed for under-counter installation, whereas others, like the Aqua-Ionizer Deluxe 9, are convertible, which means that you can either install them as countertop units, or use a special under-sink installation kit to install them under the counter.

Interested in under-counter installation? Then check out the best under-sink water ionizers here to see what are the most efficient machines in this niche.

Question #2: Can I install it alone?

Answer: If you have minimal plumbing skills, a knack for DIY projects, and patience to follow the installation instructions, there should be no issue in you installing the unit on your own, no matter if it is a countertop or under-sink unit.

Question #3: Is a plumber needed for the job?

Answer: No, even if you have no experience with installing an alkaline ionizer, you won’t need the help of a professional as the kits that come with most purchases include diverter kits that fit all standard faucets and install in minutes with little effort or knowledge. Even if the kit is not included, you can find it online or in stores.

Question #4: Are there repercussions to installation mistakes?

Answer: Aside from the appliance likely not functioning to its full potential, there is the risk of voiding the warranty agreement depending on the type of mistake you make when you install it. However, you should not fret as this is an unlikely occurrence seeing how these machines are very easy to install. Just follow the instructions closely and have patience when you follow through with the steps, and everything will be fine.

Maintenance F.A.Q.

Question #1: What maintenance tasks do I need to perform?

Answer: There are only three alkaline ionizer maintenance tasks required from you to perform, more precisely routine filter replacement, internal cleaning, and exterior cleaning.

Learn more about water ionizer cleaning and maintenance from this article. Here, we also cover the signs that indicate if early maintenance and cleaning tasks are required to upkeep the machine in a top-notch shape for years to come.

Question #2: How often should I change the filters?

Answer: Generally, the filters require replacement every 6 to 12 months. However, this could differ from one model to another, so we recommend that you check the user manual that comes with the purchase to make sure that the filtration system works on par at all times.

Question #3: How often should I clean the machine’s exterior?

Answer: You can do this as often as you want or as often as it is needed. Just make sure that you clean the alkaline ionizer’s exterior at least once per week. This helps upkeep a flawless appearance.

Question #4: How do I clean the machine’s exterior?

Answer: Use a soft damp cloth to wipe the body of the machine and the control panel. Make sure that it is slightly damp so that water won’t get inside the unit, and don’t use cleaning substances as they could damage the finish.

Question #5: How often should I perform internal cleanings?

Answer: Deep cleanings are recommended as often as needed as there might be issues related to scale or mold buildup that need immediate fixing. However, generally, internal cleaning is needed once every 3 to 6 months if the machine doesn’t automatically self-clean and the water is hard, every 6 months if the machine self-cleans automatically and the water is hard, and once every 12 months with self-cleaning units and if the water is not hard.

Question #6: How do I perform the internal cleaning?

Answer: Replace one of the filter cartridges with a specialty cleaning cartridge. If you are going for a normal internal cleaning, run the system at a neutral setting for 30 minutes tops, and if you want a deep cleaning, run it for 5 minutes, shut it off, and let the solution sit for one hour.

Alkaline Water General F.A.Q.

Question #1: What is alkaline water?

Answer: Alkaline water is high-pH water that comes in small-size clusters that are more easily absorbed by the cells in your body, being considered better hydrating than regular tap water that has neutral pH.

Learn more about alkaline water here to form a better idea of what defines it and what it can provide as opposed to regular water.

Question #2: Can I make my own alkaline water?

Answer: There are quite a few recipes to make alkaline water, and what they all have in common is that they are easy to follow through with. The ingredients generally used in these recipes include lemons and baking soda, and you also have the option to use pH drops or alkaline sticks, depending on the recipe you choose.

If you want to make alkaline water regardless of where you are, check out the best alkaline sticks that you simply insert in a bottle of water and wait for them to do their magic. These are perfect for camping and trips.

Question #3: What is pH?

Answer: It is the unit that indicates how acidic/basic water is, the range at which pH is rated spanning from 1 to 14.

Question #4: What is the pH of alkaline and acidic water?

Answer: For water to be considered acidic, the pH range should span from 1 to 6. For water to be considered alkaline, the pH should range from 8 to 14. If the water pH is at 7, then it is considered neutral.

Question #5: Is there any purpose for acidic water?

Answer: Yes, acidic water is generally recommended for use when washing dishes and for household disinfection purposes. Avoid hydrating with it though as your body will become too acidic.

Question #6: Where can I buy alkaline water from?

Answer: Most big stores sell bottled alkaline water, so you should not have trouble finding it at your local grocery shopping point. You can even order bottled water online if you prefer this option. However, keep in mind that bottled water, in general, is one of the main causes of plastic pollution and the destruction of our planet, so it is best to either make your own alkaline water or have a pitcher or ionizer machine make it for you rather than buying bottled.

Read here more on the topic of buying alkaline water if you are curious to learn more details regarding this subject.

Question #7: Does it lose its properties after I boil it?

Answer: No, boiling the water does not affect its composition or properties in the slightest. Thus, you can even use it to prepare healthy soups, rice, stew, and any other food you can think of. Chances are the water will improve the taste of your meals.

Question #8: What type of water should I use to wash vegetables?

Answer: One of the biggest mistakes is cleaning vegetables using acidic water. To get the veggies as clean as possible, you should use alkaline water with a pH ranging from 8 to 9.

Alkaline Water Health F.A.Q.

Question #1: Is ionized water good for you?

Answer: Yes, when drank with responsibility and if you make sure to switch from neutral filtered to alkaline at least once in a while, ionized alkaline water is good for your health and there are no side effects to worry about.

Learn here everything you need to know about the health benefits of ionized water to better appreciate what this switch can do for your well-being in the long-run.

Question #2: How much water should I drink every day?

Answer: Find a detailed answer to this question in this article. Generally, it is recommended to drink a glass of alkaline water in the morning, one before you go to sleep, and throughout the day consume as much as you would normally consume regular water.

Question #3: Is it safe to consume if I have gastric problems?

Answer: As an exclusive diet with alkaline water lowers the natural acidity of the stomach, there could be issues for those who suffer from gastric problems if they don’t alternate between high-pH and regular-pH water.

Question #4: Is it safe to consume by pets?

Answer: Yes, as long as you alternate between the high-pH water and regular, filtered water, there won’t be any repercussions to your pets consuming it.

Question #5: Can it help with calcium deficiency?

Answer: Water ionizers do not deprive the water of the healthy minerals inside it, so hydrating with the high-pH water can indeed help with your calcium deficiency.

Question #6: Does it improve cardiovascular health?

Answer: As it combats the negative effects of free radicals, the high-pH water also lowers chances of you developing heart disease conditions considerably.

Learn more about the health benefits of alkaline water here to fully appreciate how switching to an alkaline diet can help improve life quality.

Question #7: Does drinking it make any difference for the youthfulness of my skin?

Answer: Yes, it will help keep you looking younger for a longer time as it detoxifies, removes bacteria that are at fault for acne breakouts, and helps attenuate deep wrinkles, even making the fine lines disappear for good.

Question #8: Does it help with athletic performance?

Answer: Yes, as a matter of fact, alkaline water is better for post-exercise hydration than regular water as it is much easier to absorb by the cells. It also helps increase blood oxygen levels and provides muscle tissue and organs more oxygen, improving your endurance and stamina levels.

Question #9: Is alkaline water safe for babies?

Answer: Yes, there are no issues, especially if you consider that breast milk is mildly alkaline too. You can use mild alkaline water to prepare the formula milk that you feed the baby with too as it will resemble breast milk in composition more.

Final Thoughts

Likely, all of the answers you have regarding ionized water and alkaline ionizers have been answered here. If not, please give us feedback and we will gladly answer any question you have and post it here to help others who are in your position as well. If you are interested in buying a water ionizer, make sure to check out our section dedicated to alkaline water and the machines that produce it. Here, you will find some of the best products the market has to offer at the moment, and you can read up on useful articles related to ionized water, its properties, health benefits, and more.

Markus Mackay
Our resident expert in all things AC-related, Markus is a never-ending source of knowledge regarding how these systems work. What makes him so savvy in this field is his direct experience that he acquired while working in sales. The connections he made during that period also came in handy here as Markus knows a lot of experts in this field. With each article uploaded, he makes sure to gather the expertise of his more experienced ex-peers as well, making sure to provide readers with reliable reviews and articles.

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