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What is Alkaline Water?

H ave you ever heard about alkaline water? Do you really know what it is? Well, you should know that this water is slightly basic. It has basic minerals, including magnesium, calcium, and bicarbonate. All these compounds will bind to hydrogen ions in solution, making the water more basic.

Water alkalinity refers to the pH level as well, this level being measurable from 0 to 14. For water to be classified as alkaline, it must have a higher pH level than regular water which is rated at pH 7. Experts view it as the solution to neutralize acidity in the body and raise/balance the pH level. But let’s not hover any longer and look into this topic closer to get you better acquainted with the concept of alkaline water.

What Alkaline Water Does for You

We all know that toxins are the first cause of aging. Actually, they are the result of poor diet, stress, and pollution. However, the best way to fight against this problem and detoxify your body is with antioxidants. Improving your health, fighting the aging process, and supercharging your immune system are only a few benefits of alkaline water. Some of its particularities are:

  • Detoxifies - Superior hydrating capabilities make it optimal at removing toxins from your body
  • Neutralize - It’s very important to know that drinking it can help neutralize the acidity that builds up in the body
  • Immune System Improvement - It enhances your immune system in order to maximize your body’s ability to fend off disease and heal itself. For example, a pH imbalance can cause your body’s cells to suffocate and when this happens, they start breaking down and die

Nowadays, a lot of people choose to hydrate with it as it is rich in minerals like calcium and magnesium, and it provides energizing and super-hydrating abilities granted by the electrolysis filtering used in its production. Quality water ionizers generally pass the water through multiple filtration stages aside from employing the electrolysis process, ensuring the ionized water is free of impurities and beneficial when consumed.

Alkaline water acts like an antioxidant, and it can even give up electrons so that it neutralizes and blocks free radical damage to the body. What it does is convert free radicals into oxygen, using them in tissue oxygenation which aids recovery and proper body functioning, as well as enhanced energy production to aid you not feel lethargic anymore. This is why you are bound to feel and look better as soon as you include it in your dietary habits.

Is It Safe for Consumption?

While people do appreciate it for its pH balancing and ultra-hydrating abilities, there are issues that you must be aware of beforehand. Health experts advise people to not believe all claims interested parties present regarding the healing potential as its properties are indeed limited. There is not enough scientific support yet to use the water in the treatment of advanced health conditions either (some sources claim that it aids in cancer prevention; yes, it does destroy free radicals that are a root of cancer appearance, but this doesn’t mean that drinking alkaline water keeps you in the clear of this horrendous disease). So, is alkaline water bad for you? No, it’s safe to consume as long as a physician has not advised you otherwise as you suffer from specific conditions that disagree with any of its properties, and as long as you consume it responsibly rather than forcing yourself to overdo it in the hope that it will provide miraculous health benefits.

Common Side Effects

Evidently, there are a few downsides to consuming it, and the important side effects are associated with digestion malfunctions. While everyone puts an accent on the beneficial aspects, it’s important to be aware of the negative side as well before you make dietary changes. Some of these side effects include:

  • Digestion - Steep changes in pH may lead to digestion malfunctions
  • Cardiovascular Problem - Those who are over 60 years should not drink it because the side effects are more severe, leading to cardiovascular health issues

You might think that your body’s cells will rejuvenate at first, but after continuous exposure to it, they will die. Furthermore, it can lead to an increased number of enzymes in the cardiovascular system, which is likely to damage the muscles around the heart and other important parts of the cardiovascular system.


Just like everything else in this life, too much of anything can be dangerous. This is valid even for this specific situation as overconsumption of alkaline water will disturb the body’s pH balance. Therefore, you can risk issues like:

  • Nausea;
  • Vomiting;
  • Confusion.

It has even been brought to light that overconsumption can negatively impact the body’s ability to break down protein. Thus, if you want to enjoy a healthy, balanced lifestyle, it’s best to consume it in moderation.

If you consume too much alkaline water over a certain period of time and do end up experiencing problems, consult a doctor as you might have conditions that do not allow you to consume it or you simply need proper guidance related to the amount of alkaline water to drink per day in safe circumstances.


Beneficial for your health when consumed responsibly, it is a dietary inclusion you must make if you seek to improve your well-being. Superior in its hydrating capabilities and able to make you feel more energized from the first glass you drink, it comes as no surprise that more and more people switch to alkaline diets, especially considering that now there are plenty of options to obtain it, including making your own alkaline water at home, buying it from the store, or being provided with it by a water pitcher or the more modern and effective ionizing machine.

Markus Mackay
Our resident expert in all things AC-related, Markus is a never-ending source of knowledge regarding how these systems work. What makes him so savvy in this field is his direct experience that he acquired while working in sales. The connections he made during that period also came in handy here as Markus knows a lot of experts in this field. With each article uploaded, he makes sure to gather the expertise of his more experienced ex-peers as well, making sure to provide readers with reliable reviews and articles.

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